Monday, August 4, 2014

Fresh Start - Day 4

Mandy and I were on the road all day and are just under the wire to post the Day 4 recap but we definitely wanted to hold up our end of the commitment. I hope many of you are following along.  Feel free to comment on here as well to let us know you're reading.

Today's Fresh Start focuses on who God is.  It's easy to spend a lot of time trying to create a picture of God.  We spent weeks during Connect this year sharing different pictures of God in our series God is like... The problem with comparing God to anything though is that He is incomparable and above all things.  We can compare God to a Father, or a Comedian, or a Lifeguard or any number of types of people but all of those are fallible. To quote the end of the Fresh Start devo today - "God is all powerful, and he's able to protect and defend us. God knows everything and sees what we cannot. so he's able to guide us perfectly.  God is completely fair and just. At the same time, he is full of love, mercy, and kindness toward us, his children. God is totally committed to us. He would never abandon us or do anything to hurt us.  God is all-loving and loves most to "hold us in his arms"".

Sometimes it's hard to fathom anything that could be that could.  I would encourage you to dwell on the characteristics that comfort you and excite you the most and not to get stuck on the characteristics that are harder for you to grasp.  For me knowing that God is all-knowing and has everything figured out is the characteristic that I lean into the most when I struggle because it's there that I remember God's ultimate plan for my life.


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