Saturday, August 16, 2014

Fresh Start - Day 14/15

I love that Day 14's blog about Why Do I Keep Messing up is right in the middle of the month! Some of you are in the middle of this 31 Day journey and two weeks in it doesn't get any easier.  The old saying is that "old habits die hard".  Romans 7:15 says: "I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do." It's not easy to move on from our past ways and habits but it's persistence, drive, determination, and God's faithfulness that will help you get back on track and back to the new habits that you're trying to form. 

The problem is that the lure of Day 15 is always out there.  "If God Accepts Me Anyway, Why Not Keep on Sinning?"  It's so easy to fall into this trap like God forgave me from it once He'll surely forgive me for it again.  He will but we've been called to something greater our growing and deepening relationship with Christ. 

As the end of Day 15 says - "Before we came to Christ it was natural for us to do wrong.  Now it is more natural to do right. So why would we ever go back to being bound by those harmful, sinful patterns just because we can be forgiven for them? There's no good reason. The temptation to go back will always be there, but God's power to keep us from it is stronger.

Use the power of Christ living inside you to fight through the temptations that are causing you to mess up over and over again and don't fall into the trap that it'll just be easier to ask God for forgiveness again and again. In doing this you'll miss out on so much of the plan He has for you and the riches He has promised to bless you with.

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