Monday, August 11, 2014

Fresh Start - Day 11

"I have never met a mature, strong Christian who was not connected to a good local church."

Even though I have been going to church pretty much ever since I was born, there are times when I really don't feel like going to church. Whether it's the music, or the preaching, or me just wanting to get some extra sleep, there have been plenty of times where I would rather just stay home. So why is going to church so important? The bible makes it very clear that we can't make it through our Christian walk alone. We need a place where we can be pushed, encouraged, and spiritually fed on a regular basis. Going to church places you into an environment where you are surrounded by people who all have one thing in common - Jesus. There is no perfect church, simply because there are no perfect people. The important thing is that church is a place where people are willing and ready to invest in you and to push you closer to Christ. I've heard it said this way. If you were to take a sunflower seed and throw it in the woods, technically it could grow. But, instead, if you take that sunflower seed and put it in a pot of fresh soil, water it every day, and put it into the sunlight, odds are the seed in the pot is going to grow better than the one thrown in the woods. It's the same seed, the only difference is the environment it's placed in. Church is that flower pot - church is that environment. That's why it's so important to go and get plugged in! Be careful which environment you choose.

- Ben

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