Saturday, August 2, 2014

Fresh Start - Day 2

So you've messed up - Now What?

It's so easy to think that everything is going to be perfect after we've had those amazing moments with Christ on SERVE and re-dedicated or taken that first step to accept Christ.  A better definition of who we are as new creations though is how we respond to our mistakes.  We're not PERFECT - only Jesus is but once you've accepted Christ you have more power to correct and alter old habits than you ever did before.  

Are you still going to mess up - YES! But every time you bounce back and repent from sin that has taken hold of you in your life you're taking steps to eliminate it from your life entirely.  

Change takes time - and although you have the power on the inside of you to do it - it still takes time to trust and follow in every area of our lives.

We would certainly love to help you on this journey.  If you're struggling with a specific sin that has taken hold of you in your life that you're having trouble getting past then let one of our leaders know so that we can pray with you and help hold you accountable.


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