Saturday, August 30, 2014

Fresh Start - Day 30

This is it!  If you followed through on this and did the thirty days (or even some of them), we're SO proud of you and SO excited to hear about how God is working in your life!  Let us know!

The question is - what's YOUR next step? Here are some options:

1) The Youth@Hope Psalms Challenge begins next Tuesday!  Read a Psalm a day each day of the school year.  You can follow along with us on Twitter to get a daily update on where we are!

2) Pick a new devotional book like Fresh Start to go through.  You can go to and in the left column click on "Teens" and then "Devotionals".  If you need help choosing, ask us or another leader to help you.  If you can't afford to buy one, we'll buy it for you, just let us know!

3) If you really want to go deeper in God's Word, consider getting a Study Bible.  Talk to us and we can help you find one that works best for you!


Friday, August 29, 2014

Fresh Start - Day 29

"I don't know if I know enough to tell people about Jesus"

If you feel that way, you're not alone!  Most of us don't feel qualified.

I love the story from John 9 where Jesus healed a man who was born blind.  The man who was healed didn't have all the answers to give those who questioned him after the healing, but he said this: "One thing I do know: I was blind, and now I can see!" 

Your story is one of the most powerful ways we can share Jesus - what's your story?


Thursday, August 28, 2014

Fresh Start - Day 28

I hear the question posed in today's devotional a lot.  I often hear it in the same breath as "Why do bad things happen to good people?"

I try to remember that my understanding of the world is very very small.  I can only see what's in front of me and I could not possibly comprehend things from a God perspective.  When it comes to people going to hell versus going to heaven I have to believe that they were given a chance.  God is continually available and waiting for us to accept His free gift yet so many people just turn the other way.  

I do believe we should find motivation in this though.  As believers and as part of the Great Commission it is our responsibility to make disciples of many nations.  If you struggle and are bothered by people ending up in hell then use it as motivation to tell people about Jesus and to do your part to allow God to work in their lives.


Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Fresh Start - Day 27

"No one has ever made a bad situation better by worrying."

I am really good at worrying. If you ask Tim, he would say I'm a professional worrier!

But over the past few years as I've truly begun to fill my life daily with God's word and spending time with Him, I've learned the secret to not worrying:

It's not about punishing myself or feeling guilty when I worry.
It's not about saying, "God doesn't want me to worry" and then trying really hard not to worry.
It IS about filling my mind with God's word so that my view of Him gets larger and larger.
It IS about simply asking HIM to change me - because He's really good at what He does.


Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Fresh Start - Day 26

"When we entrust ourselves and our trials to God, He uses them"

No matter how much I hate "the struggle" of life, when I flip it around and think about how far from God I would be if everything in my life went the way I wanted it to go - well, I just don't even want to think about it!

Our trials keep us humble and teach us to truly trust in and rely on God - instead of just saying that we do.


Fresh Start - Day 25

"When we don't forgive, we allow another person to take over much of our minds and control us."

I spent way too many years of my life believing that an offense that had been committed against me was something that was "too big" to forgive.  Eventually, I tried "pretending" that I forgave in order to "do what God wanted me to do", but I still was not free, like the Fresh Start quote above says.

It wasn't until I actually extended the offer of forgiveness to the other person involved that I found that I was able to let go and be free. God did an amazing work in my life when I obeyed Him in this!

- Mandy

Fresh Start - Day 24

"Why is God so down on sex?"

He's actually not! The opposite is actually closer to the truth!

This is how I think about it: The things that being is the most joy and fulfillment on this earth also have the potential to bring us the greatest pain when they are used in the wrong way.

For example, our families are our most important relationships and were created to provide us with the care and love we need. But when those family relationships go wrong, they can cause some of the deepest pain we can experience on this earth.

The same is true of sex - it was given to us because of the huge amounts of awesomeness it CAN bring to our lives, if used in the right way. But when we take it out of its intended place - marriage - it has the potential to bring "awesome" amounts of pain to our lives.

I'm so glad God knows what He's talking about!


Fresh Start - Day 23

"Think of the moment in your life when you felt the most pleasure. Multiply out by a thousand. That still doesn't come close to how it will be all the time in heaven!"

I can't even begin to imagine what it's going to be like to be with God in heaven forever. Even the idea of "forever" is so far outside my understanding it's crazy!

It reminds me of a song we used to listen to back I'm the old "Crossfire" days:

Land of the Free by Andrew Peterson

Little Elba how's the sun in South America
Does it shine upon the faces of the poor?
Do they see in it the brilliance of the place that's been prepared
And dwell upon the hope of what's in store
Or are they just like me do they only see
An opportunity to complain about the heat

And little Elba how's the rain in South America
Does it fall upon the roof tops of the sick
Do they thank the Lord for coming up with such a great idea
And dream about a place beyond all this
Or are they just like us do they gripe and fuss
About the rain and mud when they've had too much?

Cause I'm just a little jealous
Of the nothing that you have
You're unfettered by the wealth of
Of a world that we pretend that's going to last

Well I'm weary of the spoils of my ambition
And I'm shackled by the comfort of my couch
Well I wish I had the courage to deny these of my self
And start to store my treasure in the clouds
Cause this is not my home
I do not belong where the antelope and the buffalo roam

And I'm just a little jealous
Of the nothing that you have
You're unfettered by the wealth of
Of a world that we pretend that's going to last

They say God's blessed us with plenty
I say you're blessed with poverty
Cause you never stop to wonder
Whether earth is just a little better than the land of the free

So I hope you're safe and dry in South America
Cause I'm feeling pretty good in Tennessee
But may you never be so happy that you forget about your home
Your home in the land of the free

Friday, August 22, 2014

Fresh Start - Day 22

"God's hand was so obvious in their lives."

I wonder what life would be like if God WAS completely obvious to us.  

Would everyone believe?
Would we still find ways to doubt?
Would we always feel 100% sure?

I'm glad God doesn't always do things the way we think He should - I think His plan is probably perfect ;)

- Mandy

Fresh Start - Day 21

"I feel like I'm being tempted more now than ever"

Again, I'm SO glad that God doesn't just save us and leave us out on our own to try to figure it out!

Temptation is a normal part of being a follower of Jesus because we have an enemy who would love to render us ineffective in spreading the good news.  But God is so faithful - the more you are growing in your relationship with Him, the more you will become aware of the "way out" He provides every.single.time.


Fresh Start - Day 20

Sorry for the late posts! We have extremely limited internet access up here in the back woods of NH :)

"How do I know?"

I struggle with doubt - we all do!  Especially when I think about other religions and how they might be "right" as well.

But here's what helps me:

1) I know so many amazing, genuine, brilliant people who all claim to know Jesus and have had their lives turned upside down by Him.  I'm sticking with them :)

2) The greatest evidence of Jesus being real and alive and true is life-change in people who I have seen come to know Him.

3) I go back to the times when I was 100% sure I felt His presence.  The SERVE 2012 middle school closing night where we all were saying out loud together words that described God and the Holy Spirit swept through that room was the most real I have ever felt His presence.  I will never forget that moment and always go back to it when I have doubts!

And remember - it's not about being 100% sure, it's about making a choice to believe in the midst of doubt.


Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Fresh Start - Day 19

"I can't. You never said I could. You can. You always said You would."

I'm so glad that God didn't save us and then leave the rest up to us. Phew!

How different our lives would be if we could truly understand that it's not about us. It's really not about US. It's all about Him.


Monday, August 18, 2014

Fresh Start - Day 18

"The solution is not in saying no to your desires. It's making your desires bigger!"

If we make our faith all about the "Don't... Don't... Don't" trying to control our sin and make ourselves look good, a relationship with Jesus will eventually become something we DON'T want any part of.

But if we make our faith all about asking the Holy Spirit, "What do you have for me in this moment?" and focus on the "YES!", our faith becomes the most amazing adventure ever!


Saturday, August 16, 2014

Fresh Start - Day 14/15

I love that Day 14's blog about Why Do I Keep Messing up is right in the middle of the month! Some of you are in the middle of this 31 Day journey and two weeks in it doesn't get any easier.  The old saying is that "old habits die hard".  Romans 7:15 says: "I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do." It's not easy to move on from our past ways and habits but it's persistence, drive, determination, and God's faithfulness that will help you get back on track and back to the new habits that you're trying to form. 

The problem is that the lure of Day 15 is always out there.  "If God Accepts Me Anyway, Why Not Keep on Sinning?"  It's so easy to fall into this trap like God forgave me from it once He'll surely forgive me for it again.  He will but we've been called to something greater our growing and deepening relationship with Christ. 

As the end of Day 15 says - "Before we came to Christ it was natural for us to do wrong.  Now it is more natural to do right. So why would we ever go back to being bound by those harmful, sinful patterns just because we can be forgiven for them? There's no good reason. The temptation to go back will always be there, but God's power to keep us from it is stronger.

Use the power of Christ living inside you to fight through the temptations that are causing you to mess up over and over again and don't fall into the trap that it'll just be easier to ask God for forgiveness again and again. In doing this you'll miss out on so much of the plan He has for you and the riches He has promised to bless you with.

Fresh Start - Day 17

"I know You love me a lot. It's just that I don't always feel like you can relate to what I'm going through right here and now."

We have a way of thinking in our culture that "no one can ever completely understand what another person is going through".  And that's very true!  We can never fully be "in another person's shoes" and can never expect anyone else to fully be in ours.

But even if Jesus didn't experience the exact things you're going through, that doesn't mean He doesn't understand.  Because He's "in your shoes" right now!  He lives in you and He knows it all.

You can trust Him!


Fresh Start - Day 16

"It's just as important to get to know him (the Holy Spirit) as it is to know Jesus and the Father."

The Holy Spirit is real.
He is alive and working.
Sometimes you can feel His presence, sometimes you can't.
But if you've accepted Christ, He is in you and He IS ALWAYS working.

I love, love, LOVE this song and you should listen to it, too!


Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Fresh Start - Day 13

One of the most often quoted bible verses especially by teenagers outside of John 3:16 is Jeremiah 29:11.  "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

We often quote this to convince ourselves of just that - that God does have plans for us and wants to give us a hope and a future.  At the same time though that seems to put undue pressure on us to try to figure out what that plan is.  

The key for me has always been being in tune to what God is trying to communicate with me.  I learn the most about God's plan for my life through the gentle nudging of the Holy Spirit.  Little bits of guidance that I get when I pray and listen.  God seems to make things the most clear to me when I take the time to get away from the busy-ness of life and open my heart and mind to His wisdom.

The key for the rest of you might be different but you've got to figure it out.  Will His plan be revealed by reading His word, by listening to solid Christian friends, by learning about your gifts, through prayer, or by just trying new things? You can't just sit idle and expect God to reveal it all - He wants you to search, explore, learn, and grow!


Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Fresh Start - Day 12

"Being part of a small group of trusted Christian friends who are committed to God and to one another is the best recipe I know for personal spiritual growth."

If you've been around for a while, you know we talk about small groups and accountability a LOT.  And that's because it works!

It can take years for you to develop these strong friendships, but the one thing we know for sure is that if you aren't committed and intentional about it, it's just not going to happen.

It starts by coming to Engage (high school) on Thursday nights and Focus (Middle school) on Sunday mornings.  It may take some sacrifice from you and it may take time, but you won't regret it!


Monday, August 11, 2014

Fresh Start - Day 11

"I have never met a mature, strong Christian who was not connected to a good local church."

Even though I have been going to church pretty much ever since I was born, there are times when I really don't feel like going to church. Whether it's the music, or the preaching, or me just wanting to get some extra sleep, there have been plenty of times where I would rather just stay home. So why is going to church so important? The bible makes it very clear that we can't make it through our Christian walk alone. We need a place where we can be pushed, encouraged, and spiritually fed on a regular basis. Going to church places you into an environment where you are surrounded by people who all have one thing in common - Jesus. There is no perfect church, simply because there are no perfect people. The important thing is that church is a place where people are willing and ready to invest in you and to push you closer to Christ. I've heard it said this way. If you were to take a sunflower seed and throw it in the woods, technically it could grow. But, instead, if you take that sunflower seed and put it in a pot of fresh soil, water it every day, and put it into the sunlight, odds are the seed in the pot is going to grow better than the one thrown in the woods. It's the same seed, the only difference is the environment it's placed in. Church is that flower pot - church is that environment. That's why it's so important to go and get plugged in! Be careful which environment you choose.

- Ben

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Fresh Start - Day 10

"There are a lot of good books, but people don't center their entire lives on other books the way some people center their lives on the Bible" 

It sounds crazy, but the Bible really isn't like any other book.  The Word of God is alive - it's not just words on a page.  The words of God actually have power to do amazing things in our lives - if we will let them.  And letting them in on a daily basis is the key!

So here's my Youth@Hope Bible challenge for this school year:

There are about 180 days of school and 150 Psalms.  Psalm 119 is long and has 22 "chapters" so that gives us about 171 days.

My challenge for you, if you're just starting out with Bible reading is to read one Psalm a day for each day of school.

If you're already planning to be reading other parts of the Bible or a devotional, then add a Psalm to your daily reading.

Starting Monday, September 8th we will tweet a daily "thought" from that day's reading on the @Youthathopekop Twitter account!  That way you can be reminded to read daily and know which one we are on!


Saturday, August 9, 2014

Fresh Start - Day 9

I love today's devotional.  I think it's so easy to feel like God doesn't speak to us or that He only speaks to some people.  I think God is constantly speaking to us though in so many wise.  Sometimes loud and clear, sometimes just a gentle nudge.  I've had many different experiences in regards to hearing from God but I know that I hear Him most when I make myself available.  The closer I am to God the more I feel like I hear His voice.  It's like when I'm travelling in Vermont and trying to find a radio station and everything is all scratchy and fuzzy because I'm far away from wherever it's being broadcast but when I get closer to a major city and the antenna where a station is being broadcast it comes in clear without the extra buzz.  Take some time today to get into His word, to pray, and to make yourself available to hear what God wants to say to you.


Friday, August 8, 2014

Fresh Start - Day 8

"It would be terrible if just anybody could pray anything and God had to fulfill it"

I'm so glad we believe and trust in a God who we can't control!  Seriously - think about the kind of world we would live in if everyone's prayers were answered with a "yes".  I don't even want to think about what MY life would look like if God had answered all of my prayers with a "yes"!

God has a much bigger picture in mind than we could ever even begin to see.  Sometimes it doesn't  seem fair at all that we pray for something and it doesn't happen - but through that God is teaching us to trust Him more.

The other day my girls kept asking for a "special treat" - meaning "Can I have a piece of my old leftover Easter/Halloween candy?"  But I kept saying no because I had something better in mind - a trip to Kiwi yogurt that afternoon!

God loves you and you can trust Him!

- Mandy

Fresh Start - Day 7

"It seems that whenever I try to pray something distracts me."

I can definitely relate to that statement - and I bet you can, too!  As an easily-distracted person in general it's easy for me to think something is wrong with me and fall into the "you're just not good at this" trap.

But here are two things that have helped me immensely!

1) Pray about the things your mind is wandering to.  For example, if I am trying to pray in the morning and realize I'm thinking about something that happened yesterday, maybe I need to confess something to God or ask for His help in letting go of it.  If one of my kids interrupts me or I get a text from someone, I can pray for them.  You may need to get a little creative, but turn your distractions into opportunities!

2) Pray out loud.  You definitely have to fight through the awkward on this one, but it really does work!  Find a place where you can be alone and talk to God.  He knows your thoughts, so you don't HAVE to pray out loud, but it really does help your focus.  (And praying out loud when you're alone really helps prepare you for the times God might ask you to pray in a group or pray for a friend!)


Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Fresh Start - Day 6

"Satan's greatest accomplishment was convincing the world he didn't exist" - Pope Saint Francis

Satan is very real, and very powerful. A common misconception about Satan is that he lives in Hell. Actually, Satan isn't in Hell, he's here on earth with us. The devotional today said that, "Satan's purpose is to kill, steal, and destroy (John 10:10). He is the father of all lies (John 8:44) and is determined to destroy us (1 Peter 5:8)." The reason that Satan was thrown out of Heaven is because he wanted to be glorified like God, and to be in the same position as God (Revelation 12:7-12). So, while on earth, Satan's quest is to draw humans to worship him, and if he can't do that, to draw them as far away from God and salvation as possible. Through the death of Jesus, Satan has already been defeated and he knows it. Thus, his motivation is to take down as many people with him as possible while he's still on earth. 
Even though Satan is very real and very powerful, we do not need to fear him anymore. Him and his army are no match for God's power, as was clearly displayed by him being cast out of heaven, and will be displayed once again when Jesus comes back and destroys him and his forces forever (Revelation 20:10). When we accept salvation, we become God's children, and as children of God, Satan has no right or power to touch us. As the devotion perfectly states, "Satan and his demons are not equal to God. God is stronger. When we call upon God's power, demonic forces must obey and flee (Luke 9:1, 10:17-20; James 4:7)." It is a comfort for me to know that God is there protecting me, and watching over me even when Satan is trying to draw me away. Satan is real, Satan is powerful, but God is so much stronger. 

- Ben

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Fresh Start - Day 5

What if Jesus walked into MY room right now? Yikes! Almost two weeks worth of laundry for our whole family and the unpacking-hurricane from over three weeks away from home - what a mess!

I'm so thankful that our God is a God who isn't scared, surprised or repelled by our mess.  He's willing to walk right into it!

Boy, did I need to hear that today ;)


Monday, August 4, 2014

Fresh Start - Day 4

Mandy and I were on the road all day and are just under the wire to post the Day 4 recap but we definitely wanted to hold up our end of the commitment. I hope many of you are following along.  Feel free to comment on here as well to let us know you're reading.

Today's Fresh Start focuses on who God is.  It's easy to spend a lot of time trying to create a picture of God.  We spent weeks during Connect this year sharing different pictures of God in our series God is like... The problem with comparing God to anything though is that He is incomparable and above all things.  We can compare God to a Father, or a Comedian, or a Lifeguard or any number of types of people but all of those are fallible. To quote the end of the Fresh Start devo today - "God is all powerful, and he's able to protect and defend us. God knows everything and sees what we cannot. so he's able to guide us perfectly.  God is completely fair and just. At the same time, he is full of love, mercy, and kindness toward us, his children. God is totally committed to us. He would never abandon us or do anything to hurt us.  God is all-loving and loves most to "hold us in his arms"".

Sometimes it's hard to fathom anything that could be that could.  I would encourage you to dwell on the characteristics that comfort you and excite you the most and not to get stuck on the characteristics that are harder for you to grasp.  For me knowing that God is all-knowing and has everything figured out is the characteristic that I lean into the most when I struggle because it's there that I remember God's ultimate plan for my life.


Sunday, August 3, 2014

Fresh Start - Day 3

"Sometimes it just seems to good to be true"

It really does!  The fact that I've been forgiven for everything - past, present and future - even the things I didn't even realize I did!

But that's exactly the point - God just really is THAT good.  It doesn't make sense in our brains that our slate could be wiped clean without us having to work to earn it - or at least feel really bad about it.  

God's will for us is that we would live in freedom - we screw up, we become aware of it, we confess it to God (and to others in most cases), and then we MOVE ON.  Forgiveness frees us from focusing on our selves and frees us to focus on giving our lives to Jesus every day!

Don't let the condemnation of the evil one ("You'll never be good enough", "You better feel really bad about that", "Look how messed up you are, God can't possibly love you") distract you from the amazing plans God has for your life!


In the wise words of Leonard:

The Devil is also at work in his most strategic and deadly form, trying to deceive us with something like: "You see, you did it again, you are not good enough, you think God is happy with you? Now you have to do this or that (let's say read your bible for a couple of days, go to community three times in a row, listen to only worship music for one week), just something to compensate for the sin in your life, 'clean yourself', or to make yourself now approachable to God". Therefore, instead of running to God immediately, we begin to wait for a while (as long as we think we are now fine to approach to God), before we run to him. Sometimes we may even think: "God may be a fool to always accept us immediately if we constantly keep on running to him after we sin". Yet, I believe, at the center of this dilemma is getting the character and the nature of God right and practicing it in our lives. Our weaknesses are the very ways and means by which God shows his love and power for us. This is where it started; this is where our salvation started, and also, that is how it would be demonstrated in our lives everyday on earth. Jesus is such a mighty savior of sinners. No matter how weak we are, he's able to save us to the uttermost. He's always ready to receive us and cleanse us from our sins if we run to him, confess and pray to him for strength and healing. And this sometimes would take discipline on our part. God gives grace to the humble, but opposes the proud.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Fresh Start - Day 2

So you've messed up - Now What?

It's so easy to think that everything is going to be perfect after we've had those amazing moments with Christ on SERVE and re-dedicated or taken that first step to accept Christ.  A better definition of who we are as new creations though is how we respond to our mistakes.  We're not PERFECT - only Jesus is but once you've accepted Christ you have more power to correct and alter old habits than you ever did before.  

Are you still going to mess up - YES! But every time you bounce back and repent from sin that has taken hold of you in your life you're taking steps to eliminate it from your life entirely.  

Change takes time - and although you have the power on the inside of you to do it - it still takes time to trust and follow in every area of our lives.

We would certainly love to help you on this journey.  If you're struggling with a specific sin that has taken hold of you in your life that you're having trouble getting past then let one of our leaders know so that we can pray with you and help hold you accountable.


Friday, August 1, 2014

Fresh Start - Day 1

"Feelings change.  A lot.  Sometimes every day.  Sometimes every hour.  Even for Christians."

I'm so glad that my faith doesn't depend on my feelings!  I'm sure that we've all experienced some sort of "feelings" after coming home from SERVE - maybe it's the "SERVE let-down", maybe it's stress or boredom or happiness or peace or sadness.  And surely many more emotions are headed our way over the next few weeks and months!

But if you experienced God in a deeper way than you have before, you can trust that it wasn't just a "feeling" - it was Jesus working in your life and He is infinitely greater than our feelings!  

Most importantly, He promises in His word that as believers He will never leave us, no matter what. In Matthew 28:20 He said, "I am with you always" (Notice that He didn't say, "When you feel something, then you'll know I'm with you".)

You can trust Him (even when you don't feel like it!)

31 Days - Fresh Start!

SERVE has been in the rearview mirror for a little less than a week now but I hope for most of you that you haven't already forgotten what you've learned, what you accomplished, and how you grew.  We also hope that you plan on joining us for the next 31 days as we go through the "Fresh Start" devotional together.  Many of you have probably already thumbed through it and made judgements one way or another about whether you think it's for you or whether you're going to jump in.  I hope you'll give it a shot and I'm even raising the bar a bit.  I believe that August is one of the best months to dedicate to personal growth.  School is approaching but not here yet, lots of summer adventures are over, and August still has free time to spare to dedicate to doing something new.  I took a long grueling hike this morning up one of Vermont's most iconic peaks "Camel's Hump".  As I was hiking I decided that not only am I in for a month of the fresh start devotional but I'm also in to document 31 Days of Adventure (#31DaysOfAdventures).  Maybe adventure doesn't speak to you but maybe one of these hash tags will suit you better.  


We'd love to have you document your progress.  We'll be posting here about our reflections on the Fresh Start stuff but it'd be awesome if you commented and interacted as we go along.  They say it only takes 21 days to make something a habit - 31 goes the extra mile and what a better month to do it in to keep you in forward motion with your faith before the chaos hits in September.  

Be on the lookout for our first post later today and follow me on Instagram or Facebook to keep an eye on my #31DaysOfAdventures too :)