Monday, December 7, 2015

Glow In The Dark: Hope


Glow In The Dark: HOPE

What's something you are hoping for this Christmas?
What's something you are hoping will happen in 2016?
What's something you are hoping will happen in your future?
Have you ever hoped that something would happen and it did?
Have you ever hoped that something would happen and it didn't?
Would you call yourself a pessimist, a realist, or an optimist?

What's the difference between “hoping” for something and “knowing" something will happen?
HOPE is a desire or longing to see something happen
HOPE is a risk, not a 100% sure thing

Read Psalm 33:16-22
“Put our hope” implies action! (verse 22)
What does it look like to “put your hope" in something?
What are some “horses” this world puts their hope in?  
What are some “horses” you are tempted to put your hope in? (“If I had this… Or got this… Or achieved this… Or was like this… THEN I would…”)
List three or four specific things about God from this passage that we can put our hope in.
Have you ever known someone who truly put their hope in God?  How did you know?

Is there anything in this world that seems hopeless to you?
Is there anything in your life that seems hopeless?
Read John 16:33
What hope was Jesus offering His followers?
(He is greater than any problem or hardship we could ever face!  He's already overcome it and we're on the winning side!)
What are some other reasons for hope that Jesus has given us?
(He promised that we could have a relationship with God by believing in Him, He promised to forgive our sin, He promised to be with us always, He promised we would have the Holy Spirit to guide and help us, He promised God would provide for our needs, He promised to give us purpose and meaning by making us “fishers of men", He promised us a place with Him in Heaven for eternity.)
To “take heart” implies action, what might that action look like in your life?
How does holding on to those promises of Jesus change us and or how we handle situations?
How have you dealt with the disappointment of not getting something you hoped for?  Has it helped or hurt your relationship with God?

Write down on a note card the promise of Jesus that means the most to you right now.

Read Ephesians 1:17-23 out loud.

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