In our "You Be YOU" series at Community this week we read John 6, where Andrew points out what "There IS" and then Jesus uses it to do a miracle. When we offer to Jesus the "There IS" about us, He can use us to do amazing things!
Personality Quizzes
No one fits perfectly into a “category” and it’s
not about “labeling” yourself. But
knowing that certain things you do and don’t do/can and can’t do may have to do
with your personality can be freeing and show you more about how you can serve
others best!
1) What’s my personality STYLE? Click HERE
Are you mostly an amiable, analytical, expressive
or a driver?
2) What’s my personality TYPE? Click HERE
ENFP? ISTJ? Sounds complicated, but it’s really
What am I REALLY afraid of? Click HERE
Understanding your fears can give you a clearer
picture of what’s holding you back from finding your passion!
Spiritual Gifts Quiz
The best way to figure out your spiritual gifts
is to simply start serving somewhere!
The second best way is to talk to mature believers who know you and can
give you honest feedback. But taking a
quiz like this can help get you started!