Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Storm (Week Three - Mandy)

This is week three of our STORM series and we have learned so much about the storms we have in our lives!  We’ve learned about how storms always have an end, but also that they take time to pass through.  We’ve learned that storms show us our weak spots – the areas of our lives that we aren’t fully giving over to Jesus.  We’ve learned that sometimes storms are just God’s way of getting our attention or, as Ky shared last week, changing our direction and getting us on the path God wants us to be on.  And finally, we’ve learned that our storms, no matter how ugly, are a beautiful gift from God.

But if you’re like me – a.k.a. a normal human being – this idea that storms are a beautiful gift is a frustrating one.  Because when you’re in a storm it feels ANYTHING but beautiful!  We know that if we can see things from God’s “big picture” perspective, we can see that storms are beautiful, but if they’re so beautiful, why don’t we like them? What's the problem with feeling like everything is going against you? What's the problem with the chaos? What's the problem with the stress?

The problem is that as humans we are constantly seeking after this one thing – PEACE.  Not “world peace” or Peace Tea – peace in our minds and our hearts and our lives.  Everything that we go after – relationships, money, status, accomplishments, possessions, fame, all of it is an effort to find PEACE.  We think that when finally get those things they will make the tension, the stress, the pain, the sadness, whatever it is, go away and then we will feel that peace that we’re craving.

When we have storms, we want them to go away because the peace we had (or thought we had) at one time or the peace we’re aiming for is being disturbed – and all that tension and anxiety and frustration and stress and sadness just seem to be pelting us and pushing against us.   In the middle of the storm, even if it is “beautiful”, we still want it to go away faster - we all want to FIX our storms.

The problem is that storms are usually in so many ways out of our control and no matter how hard we try, most of the time we cannot make them go away.  Just like an earthly storm that passes over us, we can’t make our storms pass by any faster.  But there is a way to FIX your storms – there is a way to regain your peace, even in the middle of the worst storm in your life. 

Try this: stand up and grab one leg and hold it behind your back and try to balance.  Now, while you’re doing this, keep your head up and keep your head moving and looking around at everything that’s going on around you. 

Now stop and try it again.  This time, I want you to pick one spot on the floor or a chair or the wall – pick something that’s not going to move.  Focus your eyes on that one spot and don’t look away.  Whatever you do, don’t look away from that spot.  Is that easier?

We’re going to read a story from the Bible about a group of men who were caught in a little bit of a storm.  I picked these guys because they were followers of Jesus.  And I think a guaranteed way to get yourself into a storm is to do what they did – start following Jesus.  Or even better – make a real commitment that you want to give your WHOLE LIFE to Jesus like these guys did. 

Some of you might recall making decisions and commitments like that in the past year or so.  In my eyes, this is a 100% guarantee that God is going to give you this amazing gift of a storm – because it’s one thing to SAY you’re gonna “surrender it all to Jesus”, but He is never going to just let that be words.  He’s going to make sure that’s what you really want, He’s going to make sure it’s not just an “I’m on SERVE and Jesus is just the best thing ever… until I get home” kind of commitment.

Matthew 14:22-32:
Immediately after this, Jesus insisted that his disciples get back into the boat and cross to the other side of the lake, while he sent the people home. After sending them home, he went up into the hills by himself to pray. Night fell while he was there alone.
Meanwhile, the disciples were in trouble far away from land, for a strong wind had risen, and they were fighting heavy waves.  About three o’clock in the morning Jesus came toward them, walking on the water. When the disciples saw him walking on the water, they were terrified. In their fear, they cried out, “It’s a ghost!”

(I think we always kind of picture Jesus walking toward the boat on this peaceful, quiet water.  But, how much more impressive is it that he was walking on water in the middle of “HEAVY WAVES”!)

But Jesus spoke to them at once. “Don’t be afraid,” he said. “Take courage. I am here!”
Then Peter called to him, “Lord, if it’s really you, tell me to come to you, walking on the water.”
“Yes, come,” Jesus said.

Peter was the classic “open mouth, insert foot” kind of disciple.  He was constantly getting himself in trouble because he just wasn’t afraid to say whatever was on his mind!  So, it was not out of his character to be like “Lord, if it’s really you, tell me to come to you, walking on the water.”  But can you imagine what was going through his head when Jesus told him to actually do it!  “Woah, ummm just kidding!  I didn’t really actually mean that!”

But he did it:
So Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus. 

Peter made a big statement and a big commitment, but pretty soon he found himself in the middle of a storm.

But when he saw the strong wind and the waves, he was terrified and began to sink. “Save me, Lord!” he shouted.
Jesus immediately reached out and grabbed him. “You have so little faith,” Jesus said. “Why did you doubt me?”
When they climbed back into the boat, the wind stopped. Then the disciples worshiped him. “You really are the Son of God!” they exclaimed.

Jesus asked Peter - “Why did you doubt me?”  I don’t think this was the kind of question where Jesus was looking for Peter to actually answer – so as far as we know, he didn’t.  But what was the answer, why did he doubt Jesus?  Because instead of keeping his eyes and his focus on Jesus, he started looking around at the storm.

2 Corinthians 4:17-18 says:
“For our present troubles are small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever! So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever.”

“We fix our gaze…”  
What does it mean to “FIX” your gaze on something?  The definition of “FIX” in this context is to “stick” and “stay” – meaning you STICK the focus of your eyes on this thing and you STAY focused with your attention on that thing. 

“So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now…”
The storms and troubles around us are the things we can see all too easily because they are pelting us and rocking us on a daily basis.  Those are the “thing we see now” but this verse says we need to FIX our gaze on what is UNSEEN and here is what the writer of this verse, Paul, is talking about:

2 Corinthians 4:6
For God, who said, “Let there be light in the darkness,” has made this light shine in our hearts so we could know the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ.”

Peter could have fixed the problem if he had just kept his eyes on the face of Christ.  It might not make sense and it might be incredibly hard to take your gaze OFF all of those things in your life that are swirling around you, but that is how you fix your storm! 

In the David Crowder song Ky played for you last week (“I Am”), one of the lines was: “There’s no place where we can’t find peace”.  Fixing your gaze on Jesus doesn’t mean that the storm will go away, but you fix your storm by finding peace in the MIDDLE of the storm.  And you find peace in the middle of the storm by FIXING your gaze on Jesus.

If you can take your gaze off of your self, off of your pain, off of your storm and, instead, focus on the awe and wonder and glory found in the face of Christ and all that He is, you WILL find peace. 

Have you ever spent time in the South? How many of you would like to go south now and get out of this winter business? Some of you might know that Tim's parents have a house down in North Carolina in a little Smoky Mountain town called Bryson City. It's amazing there, we absolutely love it!  Everyone is just super-friendly and people just smile and talk to you like they've known you forever.

They also have their own “dialect” down there and have some phrases that are confusing to us northerners – things like "Ya'll" or "All y'all". One of the phrases that has always intrigued me is "fixin' to". "We're fixin' to go get us some Bojangles. Ya'll comin'?" (You mean you have to fix something before you go to Bojangles???) Basically "fixin' to" just means that you are preparing or getting ready to go somewhere or do something.

You FIX your storm by FIXIN’ to FIX your gaze on Jesus.  Trying to learn to fix your eyes in the middle of your storm is going to be incredibly difficult, so you have to learn to do it BEFORE your next storm.  You have to prepare or get ready for it.

If a large earthly storm was headed our way, it might be suggested that we create a "Storm Preparation Kit” – which might include things like flashlights in case you lose power, bottled water, non-perishable food in case you’re stranded, blankets or other things to keep you warm or dry, and first aid supplies.

Because a storm is “on your map” and headed your way, here’s what you need in your Storms of Life Preparation Kit:

1) A marked up Bible
I walked past a car this week and there was a Bible sitting kind of in the back windshield area of the car and it was like a nice, decorative, clean pretty white gold-paged Bible.  And all I could think of was how sad that was to me – because God’s word was never meant to be a decoration!  It was meant to be USED, it was meant to be read and studied by us over and over, opened and closed so many times that, like my friend Sam’s Bible –you’ve opened it so many times that the pages fall out!

Get a Bible – a real Bible – if you don’t have one, please talk to us and we will get you one.  You need a real, paper Bible that you can write in and highlight verses so that when that storm hits, you can look through and find those words that are going to point you to Jesus so you can fix your gaze on Him and find peace in your storm.

2) An arsenal of worship songs about God’s character
You hear a lot of songs here and one of the reasons we give you a paper bulletin in your hands is so that you can see the list of songs and then go home and YouTube or Spotify them and listen to them on your own.

I have a playlist going right now of songs that I turn to when I’m feeling pelted by the wind and waves.  There are a lot of great Christian songs out there about “struggles” in life and the “pain” that we go through, but for me the last thing I need is more of a reminder about my storm and mySELF.  So, I have a separate playlist with songs I’ve collected that talk about who God is and the glory of Christ so that I can listen to them and they can help me fix my gaze – even if it’s just for that three or four minutes – on the face of Christ.

If you’re not a music person – maybe for you it’s a list of verses about God’s character that you can pull out during those times when you want to fix your gaze on Him.

3) An accountability partner or small group who will point you to Jesus

When you’re in a storm it’s really easy to lose your perspective and sometimes you just need a kick in the butt to stop obsessing over your self and your storm and start looking at Jesus.  And a lot of time that kick in the butt comes from someone you’ve purposely asked BEFORE the storm to give you that kick in the butt DURING your storm.

So, start “fixin’ to” and ask someone NOW – get to know them and allow them to get to know you before your next storm hits.

Did you watch any of the Olympics over the past couple of weeks?  I was a little bit obsessed, but my favorite events were skeleton and snowboarding.  One of the things I’ve learned about both of these sports – and this is true for many extreme sports – is a principle called “Look there, Go there”.  Basically the idea is that wherever your eyes are focused is going to be your destination.

So, if you’re riding that sled down a track at 80 miles an hour and you’re not looking ahead at what curve is coming next, and the exact line you’re going to take on that curve, you’re gonna crash.  And since you’re going head first on a track made of ice, that would be really bad!  If you’re snowboarding down the mountain (I know this personally because I’ve done it!) and you see a pile of snow you DON’T want to hit and you stare at it, thinking “Don’t hit that, don’t hit that!” – you’re going to end up IN it.  It doesn’t matter where you WANT to go or where you SAY you’re going to go, it matters where your GAZE is focused.

If your gaze is on Jesus – on HIS power, on HIS strength, on HIS beauty, on HIS love, on HIS grace, on HIS glory, on HIS peace, then THAT is where you’re going to end up.  You fix your storm (you get your peace back) by fixin’ to (by preparing ahead of time) to fix your gaze (to keep your attention focused on) the face of Christ!

The Storm (Week Two - Ky)

The Storm - Week Two
Ky Allen

Jonah's Storm:
“Arise, and go to Nineveh” 1:2
Ninevah was a large city filled with wickedness
“But Jonah arose and fled to Tarshish and away from the presence of the Lord” 1:3 
Jonah found a boat headed to Tarshish. Did not know about God.
“But the Lord sent out a great wind on the sea” 1:4
Jonah was caught in a storm!
“Pick me up and throw me into the sea” 1:12
Jonah admitted to the men that he was the reason for the storm
“The Lord prepared a large fish to swallow Jonah and Jonah was in the belly of the whale for three days and three nights” 1:17
Jonah was swallowed by the whale
“Then Jonah prayed to the Lord his God from the belly of the whale” 2:1
Jonah cried out to God admitting how powerful He was for putting him in the storm and into the whale and he came to realize that running from God’s presence was wrong and was asking for salvation from God
“So the Lord spoke to the fish, and it vomited Jonah onto dry land” 2:10

My story:
I chose to talk about Jonah tonight because I share a similar story with Jonah
I grew up as a PK (pastors kid) and in a Christian home
I knew who God was from a very young age
I was baptized at the age of 7 and always told that I was going to be a great leader for God
I lived in Michigan and Kentucky and now live in Washington
I went to a high school that had a aviation program and because I wanted to become a pilot - I had loved planes since I was a kid and I wanted to make money
During my senior year of high school I felt caught in a storm
College application due dates were coming soon and I did not know where I wanted to go, but all I knew was that I wanted to make money in the future and that a pilot makes a lot
Applied to the same college as my girlfriend and then we broke up shortly after
All my friends had decided where they were going, but not me
I felt lost and that everything was over my head
Did not know why I didn’t know where I wanted to go, didn’t know why my girlfriend broke up with me.  I had no clue
Went to a conference called "Generation Unleashed" and there I called out to God just like Jonah did.
God told me that He wants me to be like my father
At the same time a man from Africa prophesied that I was going to go to a Christian college that was far away.
Remember that Eastern University lacrosse coach was interested in me.
Applied, went on a visit and LOVED it!

1. Storms may be an indication that we are heading in the wrong direction
Isaiah 53:6 “We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way”
Jonah 1:3-4: Jonah flees
Is it your group of friends, a relationship or are you ignoring God’s call on your life?
Joshua 1:9: “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go”

2. Storms may seem bad, but are actually good for us
Jonah 2:1-6: swallowed by the fish
The fish saved Jonah from drowning (just like yucky vegetables keep us healthy!)
God sends storms at us to save us from ourselves
Jonah wanted to do what HE wanted to do, not what God wanted him to do.
Romans 8:28: “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose” 
All things work together for good, even storms
Jeremiah 29:11: “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope” 
God knows about these storms, he put them there, but he put them there for GOOD not evil.

3. Storms take time
Jonah 1:17: “And Jonah was in the belly of the whale for three days and three nights”
Might take three days like Jonah, may take weeks, months or even years
Jonah 2:10: “And the Lord spoke to the fish, and it vomited Jonah out upon the dry land”
After the storm and time has passed, God will place us on dry land.
He isn’t going to throw us back into a storm
He wants us to see what has changed
1 Peter 5:10: “And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you”
We will suffer a little, but God himself will restore, confirm, strengthen and establish you!

The Storm (Week One - Mandy)

Watch the video here!

One of the annual traditions in the Desilets’ household – at least for Tim and I (I’m not sure our children really care) is watching the news coverage just before and during snowstorms.  Since we both grew up in Vermont where, first of all, there is no news and second of all, less than 12 inches of snow is not considered a big deal AT ALL, we just think the “LIVE” reports and “eyewitness” interviews are hysterical.  We love hearing reports from Home Depot that they’re out of shovels (what did you do with the one you bought for the last storm?) and the grocery stores that they’re out of bread and milk and canned goods because everyone for some reason thinks they aren’t going to be leaving their houses for like two weeks.  And, of course, there are the random interviews with people as they walk or drive by.

One of the things that I love about the storm report news is how they can show you on the map exactly where the storm is and where it’s going to hit.  I remember during Hurricane Sandy in 2012, we were all glued to the television watching to see which way the storm was going to turn and where it was going to hit near us. I love my handy dandy little weather app on my phone where I can click on the map and actually watch a storm as it’s moving toward our area. 

This is the first week of our series called THE STORM and we picked this topic because we’ve seen so many of you going through crazy stuff over the past few months and it hasn’t been fun.  For some of it’s been one really big thing and for some of you it’s been lots of little stuff all combined into one big storm in your life. 

We all have storms in our lives that just wreck our peace.  We all have different size storms in different times of our lives, but every single one of us in this room has a storm on our map.  Maybe it’s on its way out, maybe it’s hovering right over you right now, or maybe it’s on its way – headed right for you.  The problem is that we don’t have “Doppler Radar” and most of the time we do NOT see these storms coming.  But we absolutely believe in a God who can!

If you were around in the fall, you heard me talk about this guy way back in the beginning of the Bible named Abraham and how God chose Abraham to be the "Father" of this huge nation of people who God would use to show Himself to the rest of the world through. Tonight we’re going to talk about Jacob, Abraham's grandson, who has been charged with carrying on this family and leading it and growing it into this nation. 

Near the end of his life, Jacob said a phrase that I think perfectly describes life in the storm. He said this in Genesis 42:36: “Everything is going against me!” We’re going to come back to this, but I want you to think about this phrase and this feeling that when you’re in a storm, it really does feel like EVERYTHING is going against you. The problem was that Jacob had a limited view of the storm. He didn’t see and he couldn’t see the “Doppler Radar” – He couldn’t see God’s view of his storm.

We’re going to rewind time a few years and talk about Jacob's life. We don't have time for the whole story, but here's what you need to know. You might remember me talking about the importance in the culture of this time of being the "first-born son" because the first-born son was the heir to the "throne" of leadership in the family. Jacob was not the first-born son in his family, but he desperately wanted to be, so he stole the title from his brother. Now fast-forward to many years later and Jacob himself has twelve sons. This was a big deal because God's prediction of this family growing huge into a nation is starting to really come true and you can imagine that Jacob was feeling the pressure of the responsibility of all of this!

Do you have siblings? Do you have a "favored" sibling in your household?
The story of Jacob is that he absolutely had a favorite son, Joseph.  Joseph wasn’t Jacob’s “first-born” son, but Jacob made it very clear that he was the favorite.  And the story of Joseph proved to be the biggest storm of Jacob’s life. 

To make a really long story short, there were ten brothers older than Joseph and one younger.  As you can guess, these older brothers were just a little bit jealous of Joseph – surely there were many benefits of being the favored son.  Then Joseph makes it even worse by telling them about this dream he had that one day they would all bow down to him.  So, they decide to get rid of him – they could have killed him, but they decide to be a little bit nicer and instead they sell him into slavery and just tell their dad that he’s dead.

When Jacob hears this news he is, of course, devastated and goes into deep mourning.  Genesis 37:35 says:
His family all tried to comfort him, but he refused to be comforted. “I will go to my grave mourning for my son,” he would say, and then he would weep.

Meanwhile, Joseph is still alive and he’s in Egypt.  He started out as a slave but through some crazy circumstances and storms of his own, God was with him, and he ended up becoming second in command to Pharaoh – an incredibly powerful position.  At the time there was this huge famine (meaning no crops and no food) in the whole area, except for Egypt.  Egypt had no crops, but because they had Joseph, who was able to predict this famine, they had stored a bunch of food and Egypt was saved from total destruction.

Now back to Jacob – the famine has hit them, too, and they are facing the end.  If they don’t find a way to get food soon, they will all die and there goes the promise to Abraham about this “nation” that he was going to be the father of. 

But Jacob hears that there’s food in Egypt, so he sends his ten oldest sons to go buy food from them.  Now that Joseph is “dead”, you can guess that the baby of the family – Benjamin – had become the favorite son.  Genesis 42:4 says, “But Jacob wouldn’t let Joseph’s younger brother, Benjamin, go with them for fear that some harm might come to him.”

The brothers go to Egypt and it turns out that it’s actually Joseph that they are buying food from, but they have NO idea it’s him and he doesn’t tell them.  Instead, he accuses them of being spies!  He puts one of them, Simeon, in prison and makes them “prove” themselves by going back to get their youngest brother, Benjamin, and bring him to Egypt.

So, they go back and break this news to Jacob.  And here’s how he responds:
Jacob exclaimed, “You are robbing me of my child!  Joseph is gone!  Simeon is gone!  And now you want to take Benjamin, too.  Everything is going against me!

Here’s that storm we were talking about earlier.  A storm is a disturbance to peace.  A physical, earthly “storm” is a disturbance in the atmosphere.  Very warm air and very cold air meet together and can’t coexist, so things just get all tense and mixed up and as a result we get things like snow, strong rains, hail, thunder, lightning, high speed winds. 

Storms in our lives can come in lots of different forms.  Sometimes it’s something as small as a bad grade or an annoying sibling who won’t stay out of your business.  Sometimes storms are bigger – you make a bad decision and get grounded, or maybe it’s a bad break-up or a fight with a friend that you can’t seem to resolve.  Sometimes storms are huge – like a really big personal struggle or a death or bad sickness in your family.  Sometimes it’s a PERFECT storm, which is when several of those storm conditions come together and happen at the same time.  Whatever it is, it can seem like everything is just whirling all around you and pelting you with more and more and leaving a trail of damage in its path.

The problem is that when you’re in a storm, it might feel like everything is against you, but if you are a follower of Jesus – you have believed in Him and received Him into your life – you are part of God’s family just like Jacob, and God is the ultimate Father.  He never allows His children to go through a storm without having a really good reason for it!  When you zoom out and look at your storms through “Storm Tracker: Jesus” you’ll see two really important things:

First, storms always have an end.  Jacob couldn’t see an end to his storm because he had resigned himself, first of all, that he was going stay mourning for Joseph until his own death.  Second, it just seemed like things kept getting worse – he kept losing more and more of his sons.  How many times have you said, or heard someone else say the phrase, “I just can’t win!”  That’s probably about how Jacob felt!

But what Jacob couldn’t see in that moment was that his storm was about to end.  From his limited viewpoint down here, he had no way to see that not only was Joseph actually alive, but Joseph was the one holding the Simeon in prison and Joseph was the one who was requesting to see Benjamin. 

Here’s how Jacob’s storm ended in Genesis 46:28-29:
As they neared their destination, Jacob sent Judah ahead to meet Joseph and get directions to the region of Goshen. And when they finally arrived there, Joseph prepared his chariot and traveled to Goshen to meet his father, Jacob. When Joseph arrived, he embraced his father and wept, holding him for a long time.

Whatever storm you’re in now or will be in, it will have an end.  There may be damage and wreckage that needs to be repaired, but this storm in your life – whatever it is – will pass through and go on its way.  It will not always be what it is right now.  The feelings of chaos or pain or fear that you have right now or will have in your next storm, will not last forever.  You can trust God that He is with you and that He is going to carry you through it to the other side.

Isaiah 46:3-4
“Listen to me, descendants of Jacob,
    all you who remain in Israel. (That’s you, if you’ve received Christ into your life)
I have cared for you since you were born.
    Yes, I carried you before you were born.
I will be your God throughout your lifetime—
    until your hair is white with age.
I made you, and I will care for you.
    I will carry you along and save you.

The second thing you will see when you look at storms through “Storm Tracker: Jesus” is that our storms are actually a beautiful gift from God.  When Jacob said that phrase, “Everything is going against me!” he didn’t realize that something much worse than losing three of his sons was headed his way.  The famine they were in at that time was nowhere close to ending and if things had continued on that path, he would have lost ALL of his sons, all of their wives and children, his entire family and probably his own life as well. 

Listen to what Joseph said to his brothers when he finally revealed to them who he was.  Genesis 45:5-7:

But don’t be upset, and don’t be angry with yourselves for selling me to this place. It was God who sent me here ahead of you to preserve your lives. This famine that has ravaged the land for two years will last five more years, and there will be neither plowing nor harvesting. God has sent me ahead of you to keep you and your families alive and to preserve many survivors.

Jacob felt and believed that “Everything was going against him” but in reality everything was going FOR him and for God’s plan, which was much bigger than him.

If you are a believer in Jesus and have received Him into your life, your storm, every storm, no matter how ugly it is, is a BEAUTIFUL GIFT from your Heavenly Father.  Listen to this verse from 1 Peter 5:10: “In his kindness God called you to share in his eternal glory by means of Christ Jesus. So after you have suffered a little while, he will restore, support, and strengthen you, and he will place you on a firm foundation.”  Your storm is actually His KINDNESS to you because He is using it to strengthen you.  He is using it to shape you.  He is using it to do the work He has promised to do in you of changing you from the inside out.

How many of you lost power in your house this week?  Most of you probably lost power because the storm on Tuesday night revealed some weaker tree limbs which broke off and fell onto the power lines.  If you could have zoomed out over this whole area, you would see the white snowy ground just littered with branches and limbs from trees.  Those branches broke off because they couldn’t handle the weight of the ice on them.  Some whole trees couldn’t handle it and broke under the pressure!

If you are a follower of Jesus, every storm, little or big, that God allows to pass through your life is there to show you your weak spots.  And sometimes the damage, even though it hurts, is God breaking away the areas of our lives where we aren’t surrendering to Him.  Things we’ve been trying to hide from Him, hoping He won’t notice.  Things we don’t even realize about ourselves that He wants to point out so we can truly understand how deeply He loves and cares for us and how huge and wide His forgiveness and grace really is.

If you have not made a decision to receive Jesus into your life, God is probably using whatever storm is happening in your life to get your attention so that you will realize that you can’t do life alone and you desperately need Him – you need His love, His forgiveness, and His power in your life.  If that’s you, don’t ignore Him on this – He is seeking you out because He wants you to know Him. 

Super Bowl 2014!

Middle School "Super Bowl Game Day" is one of our favorite events of the year!  Students move around to 10 different stations, including: Taste-Testing, Field-Goal Kicking, Mario Kart, Tower Building and MORE!

Check out all of the photos here:

The High School crowd also crashed the Desilets' house for some good food, good commercials, video games and of course, Hedbanz!

Photos are here:

Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Storm - Jonah

Ky Allen sharing his story as a part of The Storm series. So proud of him and thankful for his involvement with or students and for his passion for Christ.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Storm

Last Sunday we began our new series, "The Storm" at Community!  Many of you may have missed it due to the weather, so if you want to catch up and hear what we talked about, check it out here!

Here's the outline if you want the do the fill-ins!

See you tomorrow night!